Care Info!

Tree & Shrub Pruning, Lawn Care,

Plant Health Care


spacerTree and Shrub Pruning

Care of Your Investment Doesn't Stop At The Time Of Planting

Tree Pruning-Structure /Training

Shrub Pruning-Removal, Thinning and Rejuvenation

Trees Are Good

Lawn Care

(customized to your lawns specific needs)

Fertilizer Program- A Multiple Step Program

Disease and Insect Control

Weed Control

Spring Dethatching

Core Aeration

Aeration controls harmful thatch, increases root development, improves overall turf health, reduces soil problems, and increases water retention.


Plant Health Care

We will diagnose disease, insect, and other problems that may be affecting your trees or shrubs.

Encouraging plant health and vigor through proper care practices including: fertilization, irrigation, aeration, IPM, and proper pruning techniques.


ash bore

Special Pot 1
Specialty Planting
Special Pot 2
Annual container plantings and weekly flower care.